Joel Wikström

Chief Architect and business intelligence developer

Joel Wikström is a business intelligence developer and architect at The Information Company. He has 15 years' experience in business intelligence in various roles. He has taken part in more than 50 projects for around 30 customers, and has also been a team leader responsible for developing the methodology of one of Sweden's largest BI companies.

Joel has broad experience in business development and a profound technical knowledge of databases, information storage and reporting tools. He has worked with requirements gathering, project management and development of business intelligence solutions for the industrial, banking and finance, retail and the public sectors.

Joel is a graduate from the Stockholm School of Economics, and has also studied Computer Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Posts by Joel

Blog posts

BI-strategi – Valen som enar laget

Precis som mitt förra blogginlägg handlar detta inlägg om att skapa agerbar och trovärdig data i organisationer. Då det förra inlägget handlade om äga…

7 years ago

By Joel Wikström

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Blog posts

Ägd av IT? Så tar du ägandeskapet över ditt beslutsstöd

Beslutsstöd finns i många former: Excelsnurror, datalager, dashboards, självservicelösningar mm, tekniska lösningar som skall frälsa organisationer me…

7 years ago

By Joel Wikström

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